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Pingwang the Four-Waters-In-One Town
The town of Pingwang is built by water, nourished by water and graced by water. It has long been known as a place where the sky and water stretch to the horizon (天光水色,一望皆平). The section of the Grand Canal within the town splits into three canals that run all the way down to the Qiantang River in Zhejiang Province. The three canals, which are the Grand Canal itself, the New Canal and the Ditang River, intersect the Taipu River, forming a magnificent scene of “four-waters-in-one”. This scene, as well as the eight landmarks of Yingdou Lake, has made Pingwang a “prosperous town” filled with “merchant ships” and “stores and shops” in the era of water transportation. Professor Ruan Yisan once commented that Pingwang is “one of the historical towns by the Grand Canal featuring its well-preserved canals and its close spatial relation with the canals”. Pingwang, the four-waters-in-one town, has over the years made its efforts to integrate the old and the new, to connect between land and water resources, and to create a harmonious system of the town, the waters, the lands, and the villages and their residents. By creating a “prosperous fair by the Grand Canal” featuring “a bridge, a temple, a road and a lake”, the town’s Canal Culture Tourist Attraction presents a new scene of canal-side daily life. And the town’s Yunpuwan Demonstration Zone, featuring “a tower, a post station, a cultural relic belt, an academy, and a time-honored brand", integrates the “four-waters-in-one” elements and the canal culture into its economic development, urban construction and people’s livelihood services, depicting a modern version of the painting “The Prosperous Grand Canal”.
平望四河汇集简介(苏州话版本):平望,老苏州人喊俚叫“平旁”,古辰光人称俚是“天光水色,一望皆平”。京杭大运河从该搭往南,朝浙江方向一分为三,搭太浦河十字交叉,形成仔大运河、老运河、太浦河、 塘河四河汇集葛独特水文奇观,边浪向还有莺脰湖搿些风景区。勒嗨老法头水运时代,该场化葛条件促使平望成仔一个“大商巨舶”“百货辏集”葛“巨镇”。姑歇辰光,勒嗨建设好运河文化带、经济带葛指导思想下头,平望·四河汇集区域俚葛保护搭建设,坚持新老呼应、两片联动,强调水、岸、城、村、人葛共生共荣。勒嗨运河文化旅游景区,依托“一桥、一寺、一道、一湖”景观,拿“京杭大集”来重现运河生活新场景;勒嗨运浦湾片区,就聚焦“一塔、一驿、一带、一院、一品”,拿四河元素、运河文化融进仔经济发展、古村落保护、城镇建设、民生服务葛领域,描绘现代版“运河繁华图”。